Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Our Presidents at Work

If you'd like to see just how ridiculous politics can get, please take a look at these:

First, is the list of 23 "executive actions" [by the way, what are these?] Obama has just put in place to solve the gun problem. These are all for prime time, people, all for political show. There's not one truly actionable and effective thing proposed in his list.

[Thanks to Wikipedia for the image.]

Our second example is from France. President Hollande has decided to deal personally with a recent kerfuffle initiated by Brigitte Bardot. She threatened to take off for Russia, a la Depardieu, if the Lyon zoo went ahead with its plans to euthanize two tubercular elephants.

Well, Monsieur Hollande hopped right up on his horse and carried a letter to Mademoiselle Bardot. The operational phrases are, in translation:

"I have asked the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Stephane Le Foll, to look into the diagnosis regarding the sanitary status of the animals and into the available treatments should they be suffering from tuberculosis, on the basis of information that your Foundation will communicate to him....

"[Written in his own hand] I am paying close attention to this matter and I will keep your Foundation informed."

Good grief. The silliness speaks for itself.

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